Senior Services

    Results: 13

  • Adult Protective Services (1)

    Adult Protective Services


    Social services programs that provide assistance for older adults, people with disabilities and other vulnerable individuals who are unable to act on their own behalf or manage their own affairs, or who are in immediate danger due to physical or emotional abuse, unsafe or hazardous living conditions, exploitation, neglect, self-neglect or abandonment. Included are APS programs that investigate cases of abuse, neglect or exploitation working closely with a wide variety of professionals including physicians, nurses, firefighters and law enforcement officers following receipt of a report from friends, neighbors or others concerned for their safety; and public and private guardianship/conservatorship programs that make provisions for people who have been judged to be incompetent by the court by assuming responsibility for the care and custody of the individuals and/or for the management of their estates.
  • Benefits Assistance (2)

    Benefits Assistance


    Programs that provide assistance for people who are having difficulty understanding and/or obtaining grants, payments, services or other benefits for which they are eligible. The programs may help people understand the eligibility criteria for benefits, the benefits provided by the program, the payment process and the rights of beneficiaries; provide consultation and advice; help them complete benefits application forms; negotiate on their behalf with benefits administration staff; and/or represent them in administrative processes or judicial litigation. Included are benefits counseling organizations that offer a range of advocacy services and legal aid programs that offer more formalized legal assistance.
  • Career Development (3)

    Career Development


    Programs that help people make appropriate decisions regarding the sequence of occupational roles or work experiences through which they will move during their working lives.
  • Disease/Disability Specific Screening/Diagnosis (1)

    Disease/Disability Specific Screening/Diagnosis


    Programs that offer screening and/or in-depth diagnostic procedures that establish the presence of a targeted disease, disability, condition or disorder and/or which provide a logical foundation for ongoing treatment.
  • Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Services (1)

    Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Services


    Programs that provide assistance for people who need to do routine maintenance on their homes or make minor repairs.
  • Job Finding Assistance (16)

    Job Finding Assistance


    Programs that help people identify and secure paid employment opportunities that match their aptitude, qualifications, experience and interests.
  • Long Term Care Ombudsman Programs (1)

    Long Term Care Ombudsman Programs


    Programs that investigate and attempt to resolve complaints made by or on behalf of residents of nursing facilities, residential care homes, assisted living facilities and other supervised living facilities for older adults. The program also promotes policies and practices that improve the quality of life, health, safety, welfare and rights of residents; monitors laws, regulations and policies that affect those who live in long-term care facilities; provides the public with information about long-term care options; and promotes the development of consumer organizations concerned about long-term care. Under the federal Older Americans Act, every state is required to have an Ombudsman Program that addresses complaints and advocates for improvements in the long term care system.
  • Older Adults (2)

    Older Adults


    Individuals who are age 50, 55, 60, 62 or 65 or older depending on the minimum age for qualifying as an older adult which varies by program.
  • Senior Advocacy Groups (1)

    Senior Advocacy Groups


    Organizations that support the passage and enforcement of laws and other social measures that protect and promote the rights and interests of older adults.
  • Senior Centers (2)

    Senior Centers


    Multipurpose centers that serve as focal points for older adults in the community and which offer, at a single location, a wide variety of services and activities that are needed by and of interest to this population.
  • Senior Ride Programs (1)

    Senior Ride Programs


    Programs that provide door-to-door (or curb-to-curb) transportation for purposes of medical appointments, shopping, banking, social events, and other similar activities for older adults who need special accommodations and are unable to utilize other available means of transportation.
  • Support Groups (13)

    Support Groups


    Autonomous groups of individuals who share a common problem or concern, either directly or through their partners and families, who meet together on a voluntary basis, either in-person, by telephone or via the Internet, to fulfill a need, overcome a disability or cope with a crisis. Members of mutual support groups share their experiences, strengths and hopes and rely on one another for emotional support, information and resources. Included are professionally-facilitated groups, faith-based and secular 12-step models with or without professional participation, groups that use a set of guidelines prepared by a national organization or headquarters, and groups that have no professional participation and/or no specifically-structured format.
  • Veteran Homes (1)

    Veteran Homes


    Programs that provide care on an ambulatory self-care basis for veterans who are limited by age or illness and are not in need of acute hospitalization or skilled nursing services in situations where care in a home setting is either not available or unsuitable.